By Submitting you agree to our Terms of Service.

If you are submitting on the Basic FREE plan, we play your song in the order it was received. Sometime we are overwhelmed with submissions and the show run time is 3 hours. If you are not played do not worry, we stream 8 times a month. You must be in the live stream to get played.
If you Submit under the VIP or GUARANTEED Submission, you will skip the free line and will have the entirety of your song played!
If you Submit under the INSTANT Submission you will be played before any other submission!
We play EVERY genre of music. From beats, to House, Hip-Hop to Rock. We love to hear ANYTHING you got!
If you are uploading the song we ONLY accept .mp3 files. If you are sending a link to a song we accept the following: YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify links.